Dean - working hard installing floors and other odd jobs assigned to him. Dean is not coaching any of the children this fall, he has however, helped out some with Reegan and Cael's team practices. He is leading the junior high/high school boys group at Grace Bible Church's Wednesday Night Witness. He is gearing up for the third annual Wrestlers of Faith camp coming up in October.

Dawn - I am busy schooling the children. I also have been spending some time going through clothes, rearranging and organizing. I super enjoy taking Jaycie on stroller rides, it is so relaxing to me. I am still exercising 6-7 days a week, however I also still struggle with what I eat. Either way, the exercise rocks and starts my day out in a positive note.
Mackenzie -

Carter - football! First year of junior high football. He plays quarterback, and enjoys it a lot. His first game was Tuesday and they lost 8-6. End of the first half he got stepped on, and wow was / is his hand swollen. I wondered if he broke it, but is able to bend it. It looks good and bruised.
He plays only five games and then starts wrestling. Other then football he does his schoolwork, loves to play on his PS3 with his friends, and texting. He was thrown into a pool on Saturday with his phone in his hand. Quick thinking on the part of his friend to put it in a bag of rice saved the phone.

Reegan -

She is playing flag football again. She was asked to play volleyball on a team of 4th grade girls, but she really wanted to play one more year of flag football, and I wanted to honor her choice.

Cael - 3rd grade, and I am really surprised at his schooling this year. He has struggled in the past and reached all the school "milestones" later. I decided not to let it bother me, and to realize he is who he is and as long as he tried it would come to him. This is his year, things are clicking at it has been a pleasure to watch.

Addy - pre K. She is working on some schooling with us, I would think of this as an AK year. She is also playing soccer for the first time, and got a really cute hair cut on Tuesday. She had her 5 year check up on Monday. 36lbs and got her shots, I am sure you most likely heard her screaming.

Cade -

Kyler - 2. I could leave it at that. He is 2 and means it. What he lacks in size he makes up in his voice. He loves Barney, yes, that purple dinosaur. He also is attached to his blanket just like Addy and also like Addy he is a thumb sucker. I find the combo interesting. He had his 2 year check up on Monday, 22lbs and no shots. However, he was very proficient at telling the nurse and doc "no".

Jaycie -

Jack - Loves to play Little Jack Riding Hood-

I am totally cracking up at Jack, I love that dog!