Today, I heard Reegan outside banging nails into wood. I left her to her own to see what she might come up with and let her be creative on her own. I have also found that if you interrupt then they may want you to help. I am not at all against helping but I do like to see what they can come up with on their own. This would be a homemade volleyball net. Minus the netting. She was trying to get the boys to help her lift it but they were busy running football plays. She waited pretty patiently and when they finished they came and helped her. It was cool to hear them say "wow Reegan, you built this on your own?" They went to work trying to dig holes deep enough to keep it standing.

Like a scene from The Sandlot, they let it go once and it fell in very slow motion. Smoke from the grassless backyard came up and they laughed and laughed. Dean came home shortly after and dug the holes deep enough. It is now standing there and about a 5 minute volleyball game was played and now I heard talk of building something else.
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