Addy is taking a class at the homeschool building called Manners Matter. Today, she showed me how to fold a napkin in a fancy way. It was impressive and precious too.
Reegan, Cael, and Quincy are also in classes. They take an hour of science where they are building bridges and an hour of art where they are doing Story-gami and fold all sorts of neat things while she reads stories.
While they were in class I was running errands, in and out of a few stores, buying they deals and picking up some things for Wednesday Night Witness supper tonight. While I am at Aldi I smell something, and think to myself that the store really smells. After I leave and I am in the van I still smell it. Now I think there is something in that store that smelled so bad that is stuck to me. So I begin to sniff myself to try and figure this odor out. It does not take long to realize that our dog Jack peed my coat! I was the smell in Aldi!! Oh my, I wonder how many people I offended or who felt bad for me because I smelled like dog pee. I really wish I could say Aldi was my first stop, but it was not. I had quite the nice conversation with the cashier at Fare Way smelling of dog pee.

After telling the above story to my friend Ruby (Skeeter), she suggested that it could have been Kyler. This gives me food for thought
After classes today, we went and got some lunch. 4 children and I around the table and we had an impromptu class. We made sentences where we were each a sentence part; adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs. We had a great time with this, and it reminded me once again that school can happen anywhere and anytime.
Last night I put a loaf of French bread into the bread maker and this morning I made French toast out of it. I also made homemade syrup yesterday. Not to toot my own French Horn, but it was really good!!
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