The Happel Crew

The Happel Crew
July 2012: Front row Carter and Cade. Middle row Addy and Reegan. Back row Me, Kyler, Quincy, Cael, Jaycie, Dean and Mackenzie

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5
Dean and Dawn proud parents of these blessings:

Mackenzie Jo 19, Carter Dean 15, Reegan Marie 12, Cael Charles 11, Quincy Everett 9, Addelynn Ruth 7, Cade Joseph 5, Kyler Erwin 4, and Jaycie LeeAnn 2

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Present to You the Happel Family Christmas Tree - tada!!

I have to admit, our tree has never been a real thing of beauty in recent years. The kids just love to hang up their own ornaments and I have grown out of moving them so the tree looks really nice. Last year we lost a lot of ornaments when our basement flooded, so we are short quite a few and our lights situation is bad too. As I said last time we got it out though and Dean put it up with the boys. I do not remember if I mentioned that we tried putting it up earlier, the boys did anyway, and they took it back down as it kept falling over!!

The kids went crazy and put up their ornaments - they loved it and to them the tree is perfect. Perfect enough even to play with stuffed animals in it!

What you cannot see is the string of colored lights on the bottom, clear lights on the upper half and some colored lights on top that sometimes blink. You may think we have some camo ornaments that blend in with the tree, but no, those are just huge open spaces in the decorations. It is a crack up!! It is in no way pretty, but my younger seven children think it is fabulous. Mackenzie and Carter are not as impressed with it. The kids also took the decorations out and placed them about the house. Interesting is the best I can say. I have to realize that these are all things and the people surrounding them are what matters.

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