The Happel Crew

The Happel Crew
July 2012: Front row Carter and Cade. Middle row Addy and Reegan. Back row Me, Kyler, Quincy, Cael, Jaycie, Dean and Mackenzie

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5
Dean and Dawn proud parents of these blessings:

Mackenzie Jo 19, Carter Dean 15, Reegan Marie 12, Cael Charles 11, Quincy Everett 9, Addelynn Ruth 7, Cade Joseph 5, Kyler Erwin 4, and Jaycie LeeAnn 2

Monday, August 16, 2010

A few firsts

Had a few "firsts" at our house over the last week.

First of all we had this guy visit our house -This is a friend of Carter's from Mediapolis, which is where I am from. One neat thing about wrestling is that the friend base extends itself as you meet many people from all over. Anyway, first time we have had an orangeman in the house.

Also, Mackenzie ran in her first 5K - I was feeling a bit like a SAP that morning, as she ran around the corner and I saw her, I raised my fist in victory and started to cry - brilliant I know. I was just so proud of her. We also found out that after trying out for the home school play many times and landing many smaller roles, this year she is one of the four main girl characters and has 32 lines!! She also got the part she was really hoping for.

Carter was in a takedown tournament on Saturday in an UFC cage. He won the 13-14 year old middleweight division. This is in its first year. I have often sat back and thought the crowd at a youth tournament can be like fans in a gladiator "fight to the death" match. Well throw a couple of kids into a cage and it really feels like that. There were only 12 boys who wrestled but well over 100 people there to watch and yell.

Sunday we went to Pikes Peak in Mcgregor IA, and spent a fantastic day in one of the prettiest state park I have been to. Took a hike and there is this great water fall that you can venture down behind, very pretty.

Ok, I got to cross something off my bucket list on Saturday - walk in a parade for a political candidate.

Ever take a photo and look at it and say "what the?" when did you grow up? This is that photo for me -

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