My mom and grandma stopped by, grandma has been here for a month and a half I think. She lives in Mesa, AZ and comes to visit each year. She left for home this afternoon.
Mackenzie left this morning to go to work and has not come back - oh this is intentional, as she hung out with a friend and then went to a hall-o-ween dance tonight at Kirkwood. I gave her the 'do not drink the punch' warning, just in case.
Carter worked real hard this week to get all his schoolwork done in 4 days so he could have tomorrow off, went to wrestling, and went to a movie with some friends tonight. He is having a bon fire at our place on Saturday night with a few friends. Poor guy, he keeps trying to figure out why his chin keeps breaking out. Son, this just may be happening because you are 14.
Reegan went out and rode this afternoon. She loves going when Mike is there practicing his calf roping. She gets to help out with the calves. Plus when she goes out at night they light up the arena and play music. She is "at home." Then she rushed off to basketball where she is not "at home." Before she went to bed, I saw her practicing her horse jumping by "jumping" over a rolled up blanket in the hallway with Addy on her back.
Cael and Quincy are growing up way too fast for me, and I have this disconnect because their age keeps going up but their size stays so small. They had typical days, Quincy sits down, makes a feel jokes, says a few things he should not, and then just finishes up his schoolwork. Cael sits down quietly then find reasons why he should not be working on his school. He ended up doing math and reading tonight with Dean which is good on many levels. Gives Dean some time with Cael working on school and gives Cael some time with Dean to show him how he is doing and where he needs help.
Addy learned more about money today and she has picked up on this really fast. She also works on phonics and I love how she tells me that she should watch Super Why and copy the words down that they write, well actually Addy, that is not a bad idea.
Cade spent a lot of his day asking for snacks and having me tell him no, and occasionally yes. He also enjoyed the movie that he checked out from the home school yesterday on animals, and for 20 minutes he sat still. He also stood in the kitchen this morning in only socks trying to convince me he needed my help to put his clothes on, his efforts were in vain, and he dressed himself.
Kyler, celebrated pooping on the toilet and then pooped his pants 3 minutes later. Guess we will have to work on completing the job.
Jaycie - sweet baby Jaycie must have woke up on the wrong side of the crib not only when she got up in the morning but when she got up from her nap too. GRUMPY!! And I am trying to figure out why God gave that girl so much hair when she hates to have it washed, brushed, or fixed.
Dean had his early morning Bible study this morning, and was able to breeze in for lunch today. He worked with Cael tonight with some schoolwork, and Addy wanted to show him what she has been working on. I hid in the tub while he was working with them trying to find the joy that I had somehow lost during the day today.
I decided to quit Diet Pepsi, and appendage since my teen years (oh then I was a Tab girl). Anyway, I did good for a week and a half and then fell off the wagon. I am also on one real good food bender right now. Such is my life.
You gotta get more of me in this! That was funny. common Sheela! Also had a fun time at Wrestlers of Faith! Dean did a very good job and the girls made some good food. Thanks for giving me a ride from Grants house too! I know it was a tight fit! Carter, I will always give you good night kisses so watch out!