Started out on Friday night with a junior high dance for Carter and he had a few friends over beforehand for dinner and a few more over for an overnight.

The next day was such a beautiful day and simply packed with joy. We started with 2 flag football games at the same time. Quincy in Mt Vernon and Cael in Lisbon. Mixed results with a win for Quincy (including a touchdown run, a touchdown pass, an interception, yada yada) and then there is Cael whose team lost and who played to the best of his ability.
We also got to go to college. It was family day at Kirkwood, and it was a great time. Dean and I got Kirkwood parent t -shirts (for free). Mackenzie got a t shirt (for free). We won a blanket as a prize. There was music and we ate (for free). We had one of Carter's friends with us and everyone was sitting under a tree eating (free food), and there was live music going on (also free), and I felt so HAPPY!!

We got home, got Mackenzie partially dolled up, and finished the dolling up in the van on the way to Dubuque for homecoming pictures. We took some outside, some inside, and went to Balltown and took some on the scenic overlook. (this is Mackenzie and Brandon's "place").

Saturday night I went to see the movie The Help with Reegan, Carter, and his friend Hunter. I was a major prize winner too - winning a free medium popcorn and pop. However, the real prize was me running the van out of gas and it not starting after the movie was over. In my defense, I really think it had more to do with the fact that I was on a slight decline and the 2 bars of gas my gauge had shown was just pushed to the back of the tank.
Tonight it was confirmed to me what I know is true - school can happen anywhere and at anytime. Addy found some measure tools, spoons, a cup, and water and went about teaching herself all sorts of things. Jaycie has to join in too and she was a dirty little baby having enjoyed many hours outside today.

wish had a family like that