The Happel Crew

The Happel Crew
July 2012: Front row Carter and Cade. Middle row Addy and Reegan. Back row Me, Kyler, Quincy, Cael, Jaycie, Dean and Mackenzie

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5
Dean and Dawn proud parents of these blessings:

Mackenzie Jo 19, Carter Dean 15, Reegan Marie 12, Cael Charles 11, Quincy Everett 9, Addelynn Ruth 7, Cade Joseph 5, Kyler Erwin 4, and Jaycie LeeAnn 2

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is the earth flat?

Well if it was, I would have fallen off of it. I know I have been lame in keeping up with this. I get reminders now and then from readers, Dean, and myself that I need to update this. I really want to update it too, but .......................... ok I have no excuse.

Little run down.

Cherry tree still split and somehow just wedged and not fallen.
Mackenzie started college. Yes, COLLEGE!!
We have not officially started school here yet.
Carter is playing football, he is in 8th grade this year.
My sister Lynn and her family came up here from Alabama for the weekend.
Mackenzie went home with them and flew all by herself home.
Cade was in the Sauerkraut King contest, no royalty this year.
Cael (4th grade) & Quincy (2nd grade) will be playing flag football.
Addy (K) will be playing soccer.
Addy lost both her bottom front teeth at one time.
Kyler needs to learn how to use the potty, but thinks diapers are just fine.
Jaycie walks now, it makes me smile.
Dean is very busy at work, he took us all out for supper last week.
Carter, Cael, and Quincy got their triple crown awards, the awards are really cool.
We are leasing a horse for Reegan, she has been out to ride twice already.

That's all for now folks!


  1. I found your update really delightful. When I got to the end I was smiling. You were right at the beginning, you need to do more of these. :-)

    Although, with all you have going on, I'm surprised you found time for this post. Well done!

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