We also ended up with some damage to our trees out back. Saturday the kids went on a bike ride early in the morning and came back to report tree damage. I went to look out our back window and asked it anyone had seen the large branch laying across our garage.

We had chain saw action and the kids were real excited to drag branches around and even cheered on Dean when he was cutting the big log off.

While at church on Sunday another storm blew in and true to Lisbon form we lost power again. The only positive on losing power so often is that you simply hope it will save you a bit on the electric bill. When we got home, there were more branches in the yard and the large cherry tree had split and is now being held up by another tree in the backyard. This will require a professional.
Tonight, Dean and the kids built two really cool lattice type things for our grape vine.

Mackenzie is going to play in the community band for our town's Sauerkraut Days celebration in August. I am totally jealous. I have always wanted to play in the community band but it has been so long since I read music and had my hands on my flute that I can no longer remember how. I am so proud of her and look forward to hearing her play.
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