Here is Mackenzie portraying Abigail Adams in the play Liberty! This play was written and directed by one of the teachers at the home school. It was amazing and Mackenzie did a fantastic job. Very historical, and I even learned a few things a long the way. A very emotional weekend for her as this was her last home school play. The director always calls the seniors up before the last performance to give a little talk about them. She was crying before she even started with Mackenzie and Mackenzie cried too. I also had to tear up as I watched. I was a proud mom, and in shock over the speed of life!
Our dryer went out again. I am not a huge fan of the dryer anyway, but now that is it winter and wrestling there is a lot of laundry. Well seriously, laundry for 11 is a lot anyway! Not being able to use the clothes line all the time stinks too. I do have 8 drying racks, and have taken to putting the laundry on them and then on the front porch to avoid the clutter of them through the house. However, it is a bit rainy here now and for the next few days and so I will be needing to get used to the sight of drying clothes throughout the house.
We really needed a third vehicle, with Mackenzie being so very busy. We are selling our car to her and we bought a 1990 Chevy Astro Van today. The older kids are not too impressed. I suppose the rust and complete uncoolness of the ride has something to do with it. The younger ones are thrilled! I love to watch them. The newness to them is what makes it so cool, captains chairs and mood lighting.

Dean spent some time putting plastic on a few windows this weekend. I love this house, and as in the example above, it fits our need (and us) and we can afford it. However, it is old and when winter comes around, it is cold too!! He also pulled trim off some of the windows and filled some cracks with expandable foam. Hopefully that will keeps some of the chill down. I really do love this house. It has grown and changed right alongside my family. Each child has come home to this house. It is home. Any chilly temps are replaced by the warmth of us.
Yesterday I made some homemade window cleaner and homemade all purpose cleaner. While I was doing laundry tonight with my homemade detergent and fabric softener, I had this brief moment where I felt like I was just really poor, having to make do with my homemade things and not the fancy label of a store bought product. Driving old cars, no dryer, and living in an old drafty house. Then I had an attitude check and felt most thankful for the ability to make my own and not buy into what everyone else says I need to have. That is something that has often bothered me, the need to feel like I have to be like everyone else. I really am ok standing out in a crowd so to speak. I am ok being different. Today in church I was reminded that is exactly as God would want me. To be who I am, not who everyone else is, or what they say I should be. A good reminder that my identity is in Christ.
As I was just finishing this up, we received a call. Let me just say how amazing and awesome our God is. He has allowed a need of ours to be met through His people. Amen. I am beyond thankful!
I would love to see your "recipes" for your homemade cleaners! Especially laundry! My husband and son's running clothes are really smelly! If what you use works great with your smelly wrestling laundry, I would love to try it!