Thursday Dean, Mackenzie, Cade, Kyler, Jaycie and I went to Gooselake to watch Carter play football against Northeast Gooselake. The 7th grade team won the game 8-0 and Carter scored the touchdown. I was super thrilled for him because I knew how excited he would be and how bad he wanted to score this year. By the way - we never saw a Goose or a Lake!
We went to McDonalds in DeWitt afterward. We ate in the play place

I do have to throw in here my HUGE thanks to Skeeter, who kept Reegan, Cael, Quincy, and Addy. She shuttled three of them to practices and took them to a volleyball game. 98% of the time we are able to get everyone where they need to go, but when I cannot she is always there for me. The kids just love her, and I am forever thankful for her. I know my kids are well cared for and loved when they are with her. Friday night she took Mackenzie and Carter to the high school game with her and her hubby. Again, I am just really really thankful to have had this incredible friend for over twenty years. NO false advertisement here!!
Saturday we woke up early and were a wee bit chilly and wet watching Quincy play flag football at 8:00am.

We spent the rest of the day celebrating family birthdays in Manchester and visited the fish hatchery. This is one of my kids favorite places to visit. They love looking at the trout in all sizes and they ended the day trying to catch some with their hands.
We then went to Lake Delhi. There is no lake, there is no more road, and no dam either. Having spent lots of time on the lake there it is really sad to see it look like this.

Sunday Addy played her second soccer game of the year. She unleashed her inner soccer

Tonight we went to Sutliff to celebrate Roy's 89th birthday.
Jaycie is going to be 5 months on Tuesday.

Know those little photo booths at the mall? They hold 4 teenagers in case you are wondering. When Mackenzie spent the day with her friends who moved to DC and another from around here they put themselves in the booth to take pictures.

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