The Happel Crew

The Happel Crew
July 2012: Front row Carter and Cade. Middle row Addy and Reegan. Back row Me, Kyler, Quincy, Cael, Jaycie, Dean and Mackenzie

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5
Dean and Dawn proud parents of these blessings:

Mackenzie Jo 19, Carter Dean 15, Reegan Marie 12, Cael Charles 11, Quincy Everett 9, Addelynn Ruth 7, Cade Joseph 5, Kyler Erwin 4, and Jaycie LeeAnn 2

Friday, February 12, 2010


I had my 30 week pre-natal appt yesterday and I am normal. Weight gain is good (22lbs), baby measures right on track, blood pressure is normal (for me, which is 100/60 although another normal reading can be 90/60). This is one of those times in life where normal is good!!

I have had some periods of cramping and when the baby moves a certain way and hits a spot on the lower left side of my abdomen, it is tender and was tender yesterday when the doc was pushing around on it. She looked perplexed and said if I had called her from home with these symptoms I would have been sent right in. I am not much of an alarmist and because there has been no bleeding and the baby moves around just fine, I figure all is good. She offered an ultrasound to double check in there but I declined as I was not feeling anything was wrong. Oh did I ever want to get a look at baby! Again, I am thinking this is a normal thing and more of an end of pregnancy discomfort. I have been most pleased that this being by ninth pregnancy and my body having "been there done that" that it has been as easy as it has been with minimal aches and pains. I even would say my baby bump has also behaved itself. At some point my uterus is going to get a bit irritated from being in this situation a number of times, I am aware of that and have dealt with it in the past. She did say that moms of many can have a hard time getting their uterus's to contract in a normal patterned fashion. I asked someone I know and trust for a second opinion on this and she agreed this can be the case. She suggested I labor as long as I can from home and then go in. I agree but also feel the concern of waiting too long since my body has done this a few times. She also told me I can refuse the pitocin if offered. I often forget that a lot of these decisions are mine to make and as long as baby is doing ok there is no need to rush the delivery.

Yes this post is all about me and my pregnancy, I also have decided to get a birth coach. I know Dean is a good coach, and he is, trust me, I have seen him coach national teams. I also know he loves me and would do whatever I ask him to do while I was in labor. However, he is a bit intense and might scare me a little! hehe. Anyway, I have asked a friend who had had two natural births to assist me. Hopefully she will agree and I will have the experience of someone who has "been there done that" and knows what I will be going through to help talk me through everything. 10 weeks left unless she decides to be fashionable late then I could be here for another 12 weeks with her hanging out!

1 comment:

  1. Do you find that your pregnancies have become increasingly uncomfortable/painful with each one? How did your delivery go last time?

    This is #5 for me and I'm having a lot of pain on the lower left too, but I'm not as far along as you.

    With my last two babies, the pain didn't start up until 30 weeks, but this time it's already happening. It's almost like a burning rug-burn type of feel when the baby is positioned up against that spot, at least for me. I'm a little nervous about how the next 3 months are going to go.

    I hope your friend agrees to be your birth coach!
