The Happel Crew

The Happel Crew
July 2012: Front row Carter and Cade. Middle row Addy and Reegan. Back row Me, Kyler, Quincy, Cael, Jaycie, Dean and Mackenzie

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5
Dean and Dawn proud parents of these blessings:

Mackenzie Jo 19, Carter Dean 15, Reegan Marie 12, Cael Charles 11, Quincy Everett 9, Addelynn Ruth 7, Cade Joseph 5, Kyler Erwin 4, and Jaycie LeeAnn 2

Monday, February 15, 2010


This is our dog Jack, he is a good dog as far as dogs go. We got him from the Linn County Animal Shelter almost 3 years ago. Reegan just fell in love with him, and since she was the one who was really wanting a dog, it was love at first sight. However, as good a dog as he is, he does have some annoying traits.

1. Barking - this dog barks a lot, and that is partially because of his breed and partially because he is running and playing alongside the kids and I guess it is his form of laughing and carrying about. However, it does not make it any less annoying. I bought him a muzzle to try and reach a happy medium, he can bark through it.
2. He hates to be tied up in the yard much preferring to run his little route each day. So he rebels and you may find a stray dog do-do where it do not belong! He has also caused my husband a court appearance for having a dog "at large" in Lisbon. Tried an underground electric fence, he shook all day long and refused to go outside.
3. He may need a hearing aid and glasses - he has taken to being a bit startled by those of us he knows and loves, and barking like crazy when we leave the room and re-enter, almost like he does not recognize us or is just hearing us. Old age, and I am not sure my insurance will cover dog aids and glasses, even with a new National health plan.
4. He pees. I do not mean he lifts his leg on things in the house, I mean that if we are gone for a while I think he gets scared and will pee where he is laying if something startles him. Dog pee has led to a few extra loads of laundry. Which in this house we are not just looking for things to wash. He gets nervous when we are gone, and if some of us are home and Reegan is gone, you get to see his nervousness play out in front of you.
5. He plays on my computer without asking.

Now, despite all the things that annoy me about this little while bundle of joy. He has to be one of the best dogs this house could have ever asked for. I am thinking some of these issues he has must have come from the previous owner, and my best guess is that he was left alone for hours. He is very protective of this family, and he loves to play along with the kids. He lets them play dog show, make him into a baby, push him in a stroller, etc. He could play fetch for hours. He is a good dog, I will just have to look past those small annoyances.

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